Ministry Opportunities
Throughout the week we have various ministries going on that are always looking for volunteers. Some areas that you might be interested in are:
- Help with Wednesday Night Dinners
- Food Pantry – picking up, packing and distributing
- Ground Maintenance
- Women’s Ministry Group (WMU)
- Sound booth
- Music ministry
- Special Event planning
- Clothes Closet Ministry
The Kids & Students Ministries always provide opportunities for you to serve and be served.
Visit the Kids, Students, and Adult Ministry pages for more information.
We also have many significant outreach events planned for the year. It takes everyone to participate in making those events a success.

Our Ministry Staff

Pastor Mike Sellers
Pastor Mike loves being around people and really enjoys watching football and hanging out with friends and family.
Jennifer Pensinger
Church Secretary
Jennifer has faithfully serviced FBC FC for over 20 as the Church Secretary. You can see Miss Jenn all around the church property.
Wendy Glover
Children’s Director
Mrs. Wendy Glover is our Children’s Ministry Director. She oversees a team of volunteers who share her love for teaching our kiddos about Jesus! Whether it is Sunday mornings at Children’s Church, Wednesday nights at the Good News Cub Program, or one of the many fun activities planned throughout the year Mrs. Wendy and her team are there to minister and love Floral City Kids!